The truth remains that emergencies can occur anywhere, at any time and without prior notice, however unpleasant it may be. An accident is not even a pleasant scene to experience as a bystander. If an incident happens in the workplace, you can’t be a helpless spectator, because it will make things worse. That is why it is important to have at least basic first aid knowledge.
There are a lot of reasons why you need first aid at work. First Aid in the workplace can range from dealing with minor burns and cuts to preventing an injury from becoming a serious threat, and can even save somebody’s life in serious cases. If accidents are too severe then procedures will be in motion to notify the emergency services. When it comes to workplace first aid, everybody has obligations-employers and workers alike …
Safety at work is essential for every employee in the industry because all workers want to work in a safe and protected atmosphere. At True North Safety, we offer Construction safety training courses by accredited trainers because health and safety is the main element in promoting the well-being of both workers and employers in all sectors. Health and safety practices at work are very important for the well-being of both staff and employers; since the harm to humans is unmeasurable and unacceptable. As such loss or injury may cause significant harm to families. True North safety & Risk Management Inc. is a key part of your team.
First aid at its most basic level is given to a victim of injury or illness. It consists of relatively simple techniques that can be carried out using rudimentary equipment, a layperson usually performs first aid until professional medical assistance arrives.
And as we continue this conversation, here are ten main first aid procedures that can help to deal with different accidents and emergencies that you may encounter at home or worksite. Nonetheless, these basic techniques for first aid will go a long way towards helping someone who is wounded, and all you need to do is to use a few supplies towards your survival kit and apply them properly. Read through all 10 items on these detailed guides.
The “Three P’s”
The “Three P’s” are the main first aid targets. They are as follows:
- Preserve life
- Prevent further injury
- Promote recovery
It’s all-too-easy to panic when someone is injured, and forget what you need to do to assist. The Three P’s remind you of the very basics: do what you can to save the person’s life; do what you can to prevent further injuries from sustaining them; do what you can to help them to heal.
Check The Danger Scene
You must check the scene for danger before you provide support to an injured individual. You too don’t want to get hurt yourself. This is not a prudent precaution. The fact of the matter is this: you ‘re not going to be able to help someone else who’s injured if you get injured. So take a moment to examine the incident place and notice something that could harm you, before you try to help others.
Treating Scrapes and Cuts
Blood is a vitally important part of our body. You want to stop as much blood leaving the body as possible while someone is bleeding. Seek to find a clean bandage or fabric. Then, there’s:
- Apply 20 to 30 minutes of gentle pressure.
- Purify the wound by running clean water gently over it. Evite uses open wound soap.
- Apply antibiotics, such as Neosporin to the bite.
- Cover a bandage over the wound.
Sprains Care
Sprains are generally an unalarming problem and can recover on their own much of the time. But you can take steps to ease the swelling. Blood flow to an injured area causes swelling. Applying ice can reduce swelling. Ice limits the blood vessels, thus reducing blood flow.
- Keep the injured limb high.
- Apply ice to the damaged area. Do not directly apply ice to the skin. Wrap it in a towel or place ice in a plastic bag.
- Keep the area affected compressed. Put it in a brace, or wrap it up tightly. Do not wrap it so tightly that it is going to cut off circulation.
- For a moment, Ice. Then squeeze. Repeat intermittently.
- Make sure the injured person does not put weight on the injured extremity
Coping with heat exhaustion
Due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures, heat exhaustion occurs, particularly when the person is doing strenuous activities or has not had enough water.
Treating someone with heat exhaustion:
- Get the individual to a shaded, sun-free place.
- If no shaded areas are accessible, keep the person covered by any materials available that could block sunlight.
- Give water to the person, and keep it hydrated.
- To lower the body temperature, put a cool cloth on their forehead.
Hypothermia Treatment
Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures causes hypothermia. It starts to occur when your body temperature drops below 95 ° F.
Treating Hypothermia:
- Be gentle towards the person who is afflicted. Do not rub off your body and do not move your body in too much jarring away; this could trigger cardiac arrest.
- Remove the person from the cold, and remove any wet clothes.
- Use heat packs and cover the person with blankets. Do not directly apply heat to the skin, as this could cause major skin damage.
- Donate warm fluids to the person.
- Be aware that the ground may also be a cold source if you set the person on the ground. Place warm materials on the ground, on which the person will lay.
To Treat Burns
- You need to define the type of burn and the severity of the burn before you administer medication to burns.
- Minor burns usually don’t require intensive care, but you might:
- Run cool water over the area affected (avoid icy or very cold water).
- Don’t pull blisters.
- Apply moisturizer, similar to aloe vera, over the area.
- Keep the burned person away from the sunlight.
- Has the person burned to take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve the pain
- Major burns are very serious injuries that require medical aid. To help those suffering a big burn:
- Do not put ointments on.
- Cover wound with loose material to prevent it from being infected by contaminants.
Reactions of Allergies
Allergic reactions occur when your body is hypersensitive to something foreign. Bee stings, certain foods, or ingredients in the medicine can cause allergic reactions. Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction that can be caused by all those allergens mentioned.
Using an EpiPen is the safest way to treat an Allergic reaction. EpiPen, or “auto-injector of epinephrine,” is a lightweight, the ergonomic needle used to inject epinephrine ( adrenaline) into someone who has an allergic reaction. The epinephrine normally subdues allergic reaction symptoms.
Dealing with fractures
Whether someone has sustained a broken bone is also very easy to say. But, it’s not sometimes. If you suspect somebody has a fracture:
- Do not try to straighten out a broken limb.
- Use a splint or padding to stabilize the area, and avoid moving it.
- Using a cold pack over the place. Don’t explicitly add that to the skin. Wrap it in a towel or place it in a plastic bag.
Carrying out CPR
CPR is a synonym for cardiopulmonary recovery. The CPR is used to restore an unresponsive person’s breathing and blood circulation. CPR is an extremely important process that can save lives. But learning CPR is an intensive procedure that requires a certain amount of training, usually in the form of a day-long class.
In Conclusion, a simple injury could turn into something far more serious without the proper first aid. Many accident- and emergency-related fatalities result from a lack of immediate medical treatment. First aid isn’t just making recovery easier. It helps to save lives. We at True North Safety provide First Aid training courses. We offer some required first aid training to both workers and employers to ensure a safe workplace for them. Occupational First Aid Course – Level 1 is a 7-hour curriculum (excluding breaks) designed to offer First Aid lifesaving training skills to industry staff.
First aid can reduce infections caused by open wounds and lesions. It can also diminish the severity of an injury. You can’t always keep people from getting hurt but you can protect them with a first aid kit when they get injured.